Nicht der Hauch einer Atmosphäre hat so eine Chance. Die Straße muss Film sein.
In den Gebäuden aber ist Wohnen. Das bedeutet das Stillstehen, das den Raum für eine gedachte oder eher geträumte Lebenswelt öffnet. Denn, wie es an einer Stelle im I Ging, dem großartigen Buch der Wandlungen heißt, ist auch das Fortdauern nur eine Art der Bewegung, allerdings in der Zeit. Und eben diese Bewegung kostet auch ihre Kraft, vielleicht mehr noch als das Umherirren in den Straßen. Über die Reise durch die Zeit gelangen wir alle an die merkwürdigsten Orte und das ohne unser Zutun und mitunter auch gegen unseren Willen.
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(2011) |
Nur die Geduld ist strapazierfähig, da sie sich jeden Moment rationiert. Sie kennt weder Überraschung noch Erschrecken. Sie ist gewappnet und sich stets der Zeit bewusst. Deshalb ist das Foto, das das Produkt eines geduldigen Prozesses sein muss, nicht mit dem Film in Einklang zu bringen. Es träumt nicht, noch schlafwandelt es - nein, es wacht über die Träumer, indem es ihren abwesenden Tanz in geduldiges Beharren transformiert, ihre plötzliche Geste durch den Zeit-Raum transportiert. So trennt sich nach und nach das, was bleiben kann von dem, was weichen muss.
The norms of the street make a resting look impossible. In fact in a busy street there is hardly anything to be photographed because you can tell from the most strange movements of the passersby on the pictures that they are caused by the extreme shortage of exposure time. Walter Benjamin once imagined how one is growing into the picture. But in this case here one is ambushed by a machine, one is caught, surprised and hustled. There is no chance for even a breath of an atmosphere. The street has to be a motion-picture.
But there is habitation inside the buildings. This means a standstill which opens up space for an imaginary or more likely dreamed living environment. Because according to the I Ging, the wonderful book of transformation, even persistence is a form of movement - a movement through time. But this movement also demands energy, maybe even more than straying in the streets. Through time traveling we end up at the most remarkable places, casually and sometimes actually against our will.
This seems to be our fallacious somnolence in life. It is not uncommon to not see time itself but not being aware of this fact can have fatal consequences. When the sleepy balance is overturning the film of illusion is breaking. How much time lays there between me and this house! And those moments coated by it, when have they poured out and trickeled away in the curbstone? A time that has nourished so many now seems like a single dried plum. Somnolence is not lying but it has its' very own rhythm and speed. The somnambulist is like a spinning top - he falls as soon as he stops.
Only patience is persistent because it is rationing every moment. It knows neither sursprise nor fright. It is prepared and always conscious of time. This is why the photo, being necessarily the product of a patient process, can never conform to the motion-picture. It neither dreams nor sleepwalks but watches over the dreamers, by transforming their absent dance into patient persistence it transports their sudden gesture through time. Thus everything that may stay separates slowly from everything that has to fade away.
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